Bollywood Lyrics Translations

Meena Kumari as the tragic Chhoti Bahu in Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam (1962)

Old Bollywood Song Lyrics Translations: Let’s Learn Urdu-Hindi

Find full Bollywood song lyrics translations from all your favorite Hindi films here. Mr. and Mrs. 55 provide line-by-line lyric translations in English and a complete Urdu-Hindi glossary to accompany each. Don’t see your favorite song lyric on our list yet? Then, be sure to visit our Requests page to submit a song lyric translation request!

Alphabetical By Name

Alphabetical By Film

Waheeda Rehman plays a tormented actress in Kaagaz Ke Phool (1957)

19 thoughts on “Bollywood Lyrics Translations

  1. person like me foreign born Indian with self taught Hindi and struggling to understand meaning of the lyrics your site is a gift from haven. Please continue to provider translation – greatly appreciated .thanks.

  2. i mean you guys have no clue my ecstaticity[i hope that’s a word coz that’s how I feel now] when I found this website.
    thanx for the good work

  3. What a site! Its a life saver! Your gift is going to help me save innumerable hours of labor in my search for urdu and hindhi meanings. Thanks! My entire sunday evening was glued to your site.

  4. Many thanks for your availability.
    The glossary after each song is much appreciate.
    Warmest greetings from Senegal/West Africa..

  5. I have been looking for translation of Hindi songs to understand them better. You are doing excellent service.

  6. Not very good with languages per se, having no background in Hindi or Urdu it is good to know the lyrics for the songs. The music sounds good but what are they saying is the big part of hearing and understanding the meaning. This site did provide a lot of help as its translations are in English a language I know and understand very well.

  7. I’m a Turk and i know Persian very well and a little bit english, i’m in love with classic bollywood songs and your site! what a classy site you have friends 🙂

  8. Thank you so much for this site. I spent 1968 – 1970 near Jallundhur in the Peace Corps. My biggest treat for me was watching films every weekend at the Cine Pyal. My Indian friends would explain to me the deeper meaning of the lyrics. I learned to read and write Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu and now, as an old man of 72, I still manage to keep my language skills alive thanks to the internet. You provide a precious link to the Bollywood of that wonderful period. Thank you so much. Guruji

  9. As i was looking for translations of all the Saigal songs,I chanced upon your blog.Being from the southern tip of India,I am not really good at understanding Hindi or Urdu, although I have sung many times before my private audience ,Jab Dil Hi toot gaya, not understanding many words in that song.Thanks a lot. I would love to get the meaning of other famous Saigal songs also.


  10. I like the translations here better. I like the music of the Indian songs but do not get the gest much. this site is the best than other sites were the translation is too literally what is being said.

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